Natural sciences and Mathematics field – A and B combination
SOU “Ljupco Santov” – Kochani today is a modern educational institution. Education is understood as a process in which the general public deliberately transmits its “accumulated” knowledge, skills and values from one generation to the next.
The school educates students in:
1.General education (gymnasium) and;
2.Economic-legal and trade profession.
Gymnasium education is four years, providing general education and the students can choose one of the following fields of study

Each field of study besides regular subjects includes elective subjects, which enable the preparation of students for certain faculties. The school is built for the following areas:
- Natural sciences and Mathematics field – A and B combination
- Social sciences and humanities field – A and B combination
- Linguistics sciences and Art field – A and B combination
Natural sciences and Mathematics field – A and B combination.
- Combination A gives the students the necessary preparation and basic knowledge for Electrical, Engineering, Architectural, Mechanical, Natural and Mathematical (Informatics, Mathematics, Physics and Geography) and the Faculty of Economics.
- Combination B gives the students the necessary preparation and basic knowledge for Medical, Agricultural, Veterinary, Technological and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Geography).